Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol

American Idol Season 8 kicked off today and it was nothing short of an explosion of good and bad singers. There is also a new judge Kara, she is actually going to spice things up and I like that she calls it like it is. Out of the 27 who made it to Hollywood from Arizona we got to see 11.
Emily Wynn-Hughes, J.B. Ahfua, Arianna Afsar, Stevie Wright, Michael Sarver, Katrina Darrell bikini girl), Brianna Quijada, Deanna Brown, Cody Sheldon, Alex Wagner-Trugman and Scott Macintyre. I was impressed with Arianna, Deanna and Scott. Who were your favorites?
What did you think of "bikini girl"? Poor thing she wanted to kiss Ryan Secrest and he denied her. You know she only got in because of her looks, her voice was weak. She actually gave the new judge some attitude and I was glad that Kara schooled her and demonstrated how to sing a Mariah Carey song without going flat at the end of every note.

American Idol Season 8 Promo


  1. Bikini girl sucked big time! You know they only put her through for ratings.

  2. I didn't like bikini girl's attitude with the new judge. The blind guy was cool and sexual chocolate SUCKED!!!

  3. so true...that girl was just a nonsense. she is really annoying. i liked the new judge she was very cool.

  4. I cannot wait for tonight...its so going to be great!

  5. I loved both nights...they were so great. I loved the stories and the judges were not so mean.



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